Sunday, January 27, 2008


So we got some snow the other day which is rare in Virginia. So here are a few pictures of the family enjoying the beautiful snow!!!!

We Did It!!!

So yes we gave in to the temptation and we bought a Wii. We went to Toys 'R' Us thinking they wouldn't have any and they had 1 left. seconds after I got there, another man wanted to buy it. It's all about timing. I have to say that ever since we got it yesterday my arm feels like I have lifted a ton of weights. I can barely type right now it hurts so bad. Crazy how one little Nintendo system can make you hurt :)

Friday, January 11, 2008


So we are due to move to a new duty station, and were fortunate enough to get stationed back at Ft. Lewis, however it is bittersweet since Jason will have to move to Egypt for a year first. While he is there we will be settling in and enjoying our family and friends in Washington. We will miss him dearly but will remain strong for him!!! Lets just say my friends and family better keep me busy so that my year long without him goes by fast!!